Throughout our daily lives, we all consume energy. Whether it’s driving to work, heating the home, or freezing your food energy consumption is part of human existence.
At the moment, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels–gas, coal, and oil. In order to make fossil fuels, it takes millions of years and eventually humans will have to move towards renewable energy sources.
However, for most people, this change feels very far out. There’s plenty of oil for now, why should I go solar?
The truth is, there’s never been a better time to go solar, and here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Go Electric Right Now.
- Save Money on Your Utility Bill
- Don’t Rely On Utility Companies
- Take Advantage of Tax Credits
- Improve the Value of Your Home
- Reduce Your Environmental Impact
1. Save Money on Your Utility Bill
Going solar will either drastically reduce, or eliminate your electricity bill. The exact amount you save depends on how much you are currently paying. If you have time, go ahead and grab your most recent electricity bill. If you already know how much it is, think of that number.
You are paying your utility company every month for something that you can produce yourself. A typical American family spends about $1,400 per year on electricity, and national electricity costs typically rise about 2.2% per year.
Going solar will save you money right off the bat by decreasing your utility costs.
2. Don’t Rely on Utility Companies
In Northern California, planned blackouts shocked the region throughout 2019. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) purposefully shut off power for over 700,000 customers in order to prevent a potential wildfire.
Why would you continue to rely on outdated energy infrastructure, when you could build your own and harvest energy from the sun?
With a solar panel and battery system, you can store energy to run essential electronics off-grid in emergency situations. Go solar and you won’t have to rely on utility companies.
3. Take Advantage of Tax Credits
This is one of the most urgent reasons to go solar right now. Tax credits continue to fall every year, and you can take advantage of free money by going solar today.
The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) grants an amount of 26% of the purchase cost of your solar system to homeowners before 2020. In 2021, this credit will drop significantly.
This tax credit can be taken all at once, or you can utilize it over multiple years. The longer you wait, the lower your tax credit will be.
4. Improve the Value of Your Home
A recent study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that solar panels increase home value by an average of $14,329!
As mentioned in point one, you are already saving money on your utility bill. Now, add in the research that shows homes sell for an average of 3.72% more when they have solar panels, and we have a compelling financial argument!
Whether or not you plan to sell soon, buying solar is an asset that adds value to your life, unlike other expenses.
5. Reduce Your Environmental Impact
This point is saved for last, because it’s the most contentious. Whether or not you believe in climate change, we can all agree that clean air and healthy ecosystems are essential for a healthy civilization.
Going solar increases the transition to renewable energy, which will help empower individuals and communities, and power our society with cleaner energy than fossil fuels.
Closing thoughts
If you’ve been considering going solar, there has never been a better time. At VEVO SOLAR, we partner with SunGage Financial to bring you attractive short and long term financing options. In many cases, the amount you save on electricity can pay for your financing right away.
For a free quote, give us a call, and we’ll tell you how much you can expect to save.